Tag: sooc

  • Smena Symbol (Смена Символ) Lomo – 35mm film

    Smena Symbol (Смена Символ) Lomo – 35mm film

    LOMO produced the 35mm viewfinder film camera known as Smena Symbol (Смена Симвoл) between 1970 and 1993 in St. Petersburg, Russia. There are 3 versions of it, with few differences (mainly consisting of the Industar lens). I have 2 (apparently identical) cameras, the first one is missing the shutter. I did read about it extensively,…

  • Sony DSC-HX50V

    Sony DSC-HX50V

    I found this camera in a thrift shop, in quite a sad state. After a lot of cleaning (exterior only) I took it for a walk on Sumner beach, and I was so very happy with it that now I have it in a pocket pretty much everywhere I go. It is small and convenient,…

  • Nikon Df – low light, handheld, SOOC

    Nikon Df – low light, handheld, SOOC

    Df is a camera I absolutely love. Not only the sensor – which is amazing – but the camera itself. It is simply addictive. I love shooting with it to the point where the subject doesn’t even matter: and it produces great images regardless. It’s the definition of “magic factor” in terms of photography. Here…